Sara says..
We all know that Summer’s coming up and most of us won’t get our weekly allowances anymore, once classes have ended. For other future purposes, saving always comes in handy. It’s time to get practical by saving up money.
These tips will help all of us practice saving to live a practical and disciplined daily life. Here are a few tips on how to save money: (by Stephanie Dychiu)
#1: First of all, set aside 10% of your allowance. If you get P100 a day, stash 10 pesos and use only the 90. Or ask your parents to save it for you.
#2: Bring home-cooked food to school. Especially, last night’s leftovers would be more practical for it saves you money from cooking more food.
#3: Stop yourself from going to malls all the time. For now, focus on the places and things that will not tempt you to purchase things you don’t need. Need more clothes? I suggest you take a trip to bazaars or even ukay-ukay. They are cheap and if you look through clothes well, there are chances you’d see really good finds.
#4: Try to find a part-time job. I know we’re all young here, but try to be business-minded as soon as now. Sell things like candies, “kikay” stuff and others, or apply as an English tutor. You’re very much encouraged to do the things you love doing.
#5: Have a goal with a deadline and work towards it. Start saving up and plan certain goals ahead of time, so as to have a goal to look forward to. That should motivate us to do well in all our endeavors.
#6: Once you’ve been able to save as much money, like 1000 pesos, you could deposit at least 500 of you money. This will keep you going and saving.
Easy right? No, it is not easy, but you can develop the habit as you continue to do such. Let me know what you think? Do you save? We’d love to hear your side. J
Brought to you by UA&P I am S.T.R.O.N.G.
i need to stop spending!
i need to stop spending!
"In life, it's not about how much you earn but how much you SAVE :)" -- words from my Lola :)
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