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Saturday, February 16, 2008

UA&P I AM S.T.R.O.N.G. : the eleven "shoulds" to effective studying

look what Krystle dug up

weekends are meant for resting and preparing for the school week ahead. however, tendency for most is to just rest. so to help you the "preparation-for-the-week" part, here's something we've dug up in hopes to get you out of that computer chair and into your books after reading this. read on!

1 Study in Short, Frequent Sessions.

It has been proven that short bursts of concentration repeated frequently are much more effective than one long session. So, even if you only have 10 minutes, DO IT. Take a break. Then study another 10 minutes. This “distributed learning” approach is highly efficient because it honors the way the brain likes to work. The brain needs recovery and recharging time for “protein synthesis.” The rest periods are when your brain assimilates your effort. They are a powerful tool which many teachers do not acknowledge. To sit and study for hours and hours is not only boring, it creates fatigue, stress, and distraction. You cannot learn if you are fatigued, stressed, and distracted!

2 Take Guilt-Free Days of Rest.

This follows the same principle as above, but on a longer, daily time cycle. The reason for resting is to refresh oneself. However, if you feel guilty (“I really should be studying”) then your precious rest period has been used to create more stress. The brain will not absorb new data if it is stressed. On days off from studying, really enjoy yourself and do not feel bad about not studying.

3 Honor Your Emotional State.

Do not study if you are tired, angry, distracted, or in a hurry. When the brain is relaxed, it is like a sponge and it naturally absorbs data without effort. If you are emotionally stressed, your brain literally repels data. Forcing yourself to sit and study when your mind is on other things is a complete waste of time!

4 Review the Same Day.

When you learn something new, try to go over the points the same day. If you wait a few days and then make efforts to review the material, it will seem much less familiar. However, a quick review later in the day will tend to cement the information into your brain so that the next “official” study session, you will recognize it and it will seem easy.

5 Observe the Natural Learning Sequence.

Think of the activities you did when you were in nursery school. Using your whole arm, you probably performed the song that goes: “Put your right hand in, Put your right hand out.” Then, in kindergarten, using your hand, you might have been asked to draw lines or circles with crayons. Later, in first grade, now holding the pencil with your fingers, you drew smaller lines and circles to create letters. Believe it or not, this natural learning sequence, moving from large to small, coarse to fine, still remains effective even though we are now older. When you study, if you try first to grasp the big picture and then fill in the details, you often have a more likely chance of success.

6 Use Exaggeration.

Why does a baseball batter warm up by swinging two or three bats? Why do runners sometimes strap lead weights to their legs? In both cases, exaggeration during practice makes the final result seem easy. This concept can be applied to studying anything. For example, if you are studying spelling, exaggerate the sound of the letters to help to remember them. So for studying purposes, “naive” would be pronounced “NAY-IVY.” By getting used to this exaggerated pronunciation, the correct spelling seems obvious.

7 Prepare Your Study Environment.

If you require certain elements in your environment to help you study, try to always make these a priority. For example, do you need special lighting, silence, music, privacy, available snacks, etc.? Pay attention to what works for you and repeat it each time you study for best success.

8 Respect “Brain Fade".

It is normal for the brain to have an attrition rate and to forget things. This does not mean that you are stupid! Instead of getting mad about this fact, you should expect it and deal with it accordingly. See your brain as depositing layers of knowledge. As you place more information on top, the lower levels become older and less available to your immediate recall. The trick here is simply to review. Since we can anticipate the eventual fading of our memory, creating a review aspect to our study session will solve the problem. Once every two or three study sessions, simply review older material that you will be still needing to remember. Often, a quick overview is sufficient. Sometimes, a complete detailed study session of the older material is required. “Brain fade” is completely normal. (Unless you are gifted with a photographic memory, which is extremely rare.)

9 Create a Study Routine.

Generally, if you schedule certain times of the day to study, you will get into a routine and accomplish more. If you just “fit it in” during your day, chances are that there will never be any time. An effective way to do this is to literally mark it down in your datebook calendar as if you have an appointment, like going to the doctor. For example: “Tuesday 3-4:30 P.M. — Study.”

10 Set Reasonable Goals.

One of the main reasons people do not reach their goals is because they set them too high. If you set goals that are manageable, even if they seem too simple, you get in the habit of accomplishing them and gradually you can set higher goals. Also, recognize the difference between long-term and short-term goals. Set your vision on the long-term dream, but your day-to-day activity should be focused exclusively on the short-term, enabling steps.

11 Avoid the Frustration Enemy.

Ironically, the quicker the person’s nervous system, the faster they learn. Yet, this fast nervous system also works overtime in being self-critical. So they are the ones who always think they aren’t going fast enough! In contrast, the “Type B,” less intense person who learns slower yet is more self-accepting, ends up ultimately learning the material in a shorter period of time. This is because he/she doesn’t waste energy blocking, getting upset, and thinking that they’re not good enough — they simply keep moving forward at a slower (but un-blocked) pace.

so here it is! hope you learned from it...what studying methods work for you? share them with us and maybe it will work for others too!


brought to you in support of the I AM S.T.R.O.N.G. organization of UA&P


Anonymous said...

i like writing down notes as i review...writing makes me remember all the things i have to understand and remember better =P

Anonymous said...

helpful article.. thanks for sharing this! i admit, i always have a hard time forcing myself to study especially during the weekends..haay

Anonymous said...

just blog hopping...great article you guys!

Anonymous said...

Helpful article for my children.Thanks Krstle...

Anonymous said...

Remember to drink plenty of liquids like fruit juices while studying and eat light,so your brain would be more receptive...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that our brain needs to take rests.. I always thought we could study for long periods of time.

Anonymous said...

Good tips for studying, thanks tel! I need it!

Anonymous said...

thanks everyone! i think we all need some help motivating ourselves to study not just harder, but more effectively as well. there are millions of study tips out there but they all say the same thing. al though there are slight differences in each of them, what matters is that we take the tip(s) that work =P

Anonymous said...

thanks everyone! i think we all need some help motivating ourselves to study not just harder, but more effectively as well. there are millions of study tips out there but they all say the same thing. al though there are slight differences in each of them, what matters is that we take the tip(s) that work =P

Anonymous said...

its important to relax before you study because stress and exhaustion will just make absorption hard for you

Anonymous said...

haha i agree...i get lazier on the weekends..i needed this. thank you

Anonymous said...

all i can say is state of mind is equal to state of mind. It means that if you have an exam the next day and you study night before feeling sleepy, you should take the exam also feeling sleepy.

yeah... i remember... you should also know how you learn. for example, are you a visual person (means you learn more concepts or principles when you see graphs or visuals)? or you learn more just by listening (means even if you're doing something, as long as you hears the voice of the lecturer, you still understand concepts and principles)? or are you a crammer (means you get better grade if you cram a paper rather than not)?

So find your light in learning and invest on that!Enhance your learning!

Anonymous said...

im already used to doing so much school work in a week that spreading myself thin aint new to me anymore. it gets worse. everytime i have free time, i get paranoid--id think "wait. im not doing anything. there must be something that needs to be done but i just forgot."-- even if there's really nothing. i agree with the post. i need a guilt free time off free from worries!

Anonymous said...

another tip: try having a planner or an organizer..just to get oragnized..it helps a lot!..err...set a time parameter per subject and always start with the easiest!..;p

Anonymous said...

planners are always good =P organization is a key to better mind absorption i think...

Anonymous said...

hello there! great post.

Anonymous said...

cellphone alarms help.. like put an alarm 'study now!' that should get you studying haha
study habits are very important and should be built at an early age.. our parents let us know how important it is but some dont realize it until its too late.. the reason why people are lazy to study or dont like studying is because they never got used to studying when they were younger.. so start early.. invest in your study habits.. this post is very helpful.. nice of you krystle:)

Anonymous said...

Some of us study while lying down or sitting on our beds. This is not advisable since our body already knows that a bed is a place where you can rest. So don't study on your bed. :)

Anonymous said...

haha thanks vinz =P

Anonymous said...


i agree. that is why studying in the bedroom or near the bed, couch-- or any comfortable place will surely guarantee you one thing-- dozing off on your books!

Anonymous said...

yep, some believe that the condition and environment you are in when you study and when you take the test should be the same..

Anonymous said...

don't force yourself to study if you can't anymore--for example, if you are too sleepy, too tired (and you know it), its time to stop. theres no use forcing to get more information in your head this way because it simply is impossible =P

Anonymous said...

nice. very helpful, i am strong! post more stuff like this because it helps others a lot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tel! I always take down notes when I study.. it makes me understand and remember my lessons better. Also coffee is by bestfriend to keep me awake! And i also take small breaks in between. Studying straight for long hours never works for me :)

Anonymous said...

this is a good aricle ill make this as my homepage para magaral na tlga ako hahaha

Anonymous said...

haha thanks joie!

funny, charles hahaha =P

Anonymous said...

coffee works too, joie! especially at night..but make sure to drink the coffee before you study so you will be awake through your study time. if you drink if half asleep, you will just fall asleep because it will just fill your tummy up hahahah

Anonymous said...

okay, i'll try this later. haha!

Anonymous said...

nice article!! thanks!

Anonymous said...

hope this is effective. haha!

Anonymous said...

soo helpful. good job guys!

Anonymous said...

great article, really helpful esp to people who are cramming. haha!

Anonymous said...

thanks! like it!

Anonymous said...

thanks! big help!

Anonymous said...

how i wish i can do all of that,haha! thanks anywys!

Anonymous said...

to be efefctive in studying, know how you learn!

Anonymous said...

eat, eat, eat, and eat! sleep, sleep, and sleep! balance your diest and you'll get good grades!

Anonymous said...

studying will help you to be a disciplined person.

Anonymous said...

hugs and kisses to all my friends. we study as a group!

Anonymous said...

great post!

Anonymous said...

i envy the people in I am Strong! you're brilliant! especially in terms of giving advices!

Anonymous said...

love the people from I am strong!

Anonymous said...

hope this wont end coz i know you're only doing this as part of your requirement in school. i was a victim of different blogs before! oh yeah, nice post pala!

Anonymous said...

we shouldn;t be retricted with this 11 stuffs to be effective in studying. this shoudl only serve a as a guide.

Anonymous said...

i miss my groupmates in high school coz we study together. and everytime we study i always get high grades!